Lista dei corpi non identificati

Questa è la lista ufficiale, così come fu redatta nel 1912 in inglese, dei passeggeri o membri dell'equipaggio non identificati vittime del naufragio del TITANIC: il numero iniziale identifica il numero del corpo, se maschio o femmina e l'età stimata e dove il cadavere ha ricevuto sepoltura (sia in mare sia nei cimiteri di Halifax). Ci sono poi indicati segni particolari come colore dei capelli, barba o baffi ed eventuali tatuaggi ed una sommaria descrizione degli abiti trovati indosso e degli oggetti rinvenuti. In alcuni casi non fu possibile nemmeno una descrizione del cadavere essendo lo stesso in cattivo stato.


3 Female – Age, 30.
Hair, Brown.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore chemise marked "J.H" in red. Other clothing: Gray cloth jacket, red jersey jacket, blue alpaca blouse, blue serge skirt, woolen combinations, black stockings, black boots, gray cholera belt.


Non identificato: tomba numero 5.


5 Female - Age, 40.
Hair, Dark Brown. Marks, Buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Effects include: Crucifix, snuff box and medallion, two silver rings and one turquoise ring.
Male – Age, 22.
Hair, Black.
Marks, Buried at sea. Blue tattoo mark, and wore copper wire ring on thumb of right hand. Nothing else to identify.
Female – Age, 40.
Hair, Black, turning gray.
Marks, False Upper Teeth Buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Shoes marked "Parsons Sons, Athlone"; medallion round neck marked "B.V.M" ; wore wedding ring, keeper and another gold ring; locket and photo; one jet and one bead necklace.
13 Female – Age, 34.
Hair, Dark Brown.
Marks, False Upper Teeth (partial) Buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Probably an Italian; wore two green cotton blouses, green cotton skirt, striped petticoat; nothing else to identify.
20 Male – Age, 28.
Hair, Brown, also moustache.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore badge of Sailors' and Firemen's Union; blue coat and blue White Star jersey. No aids to identification. Probably sailor.
21 Male – Age, 27.
Hair, Dark; moustache, light.
Marks, Buried at sea. Had paper reading "Dec. to Jan. 1911; First Saloon waiter S.S. Majestic," also keys marked "locker 7 E. Deck" Wore steward's jacket, vest and trousers; laundry mark "E"
24 Male – Age, 20.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Blue jersey; blue and red flannel shirt; green trousers; black boots. Probably a sailor.
26 Male – Age, 32.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Addresses found on body: "Mr. Freyer Lawrence Villa, Stephenson Road, Cowes"; also "G. R. Barnes, 22 Sidney St., Cambridge" Wore blue serge jacket and steward's white coat. Probably an Italian cook.
28 Male – Age, 30.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. No effects but address of Shakin Bros., 155 Broad St., Ottawa, on body.
29 Male – Age, 30.
Hair, Very fair.
Marks, Very faint tattoo mark on left forearm; looks as though attempt was made to have same obliterated. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Nothing to aid in identification.
30 Male – Age, 22.
Hair, Fair, also moustache.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore badge of Sailors' and Firemen's Union. Nothing to aid in identification. Possibly a fireman.
33 Male – Age, 30.
Hair, Brown; also moustache
Marks, Buried at sea. Nothing to aid in identification. Clothes indicated oiler.
36 Male – Age, 35.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Steward's uniform. Left arm tattooed all over; right arm, clasped hands and heart, breast, Japanese fans. Gold ring engraved "Madge"
Male – Age, 25.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore evening dress; trousers; black double-breasted overcoat; brown jacket an dvest. Silver watch and a sovereign case. Nothing else to aid indentification.
40 Male – Age, 28.
Hair, Fair.
Marks, Buried at sea. Nothing to aid in identification. Probably sailor.
42 Male – Age, 45.
Hair, Black; growing gray
Marks, Buried at sea. Lining torn from clothing, marked "Kinos Successors, 322-323 High Holborn, W.C. City Branch, 14 Cheapside, No. 4058. A 217/5/10. Name, Mr. Mayer.
44 Male – Age, 21.
Hair, Light.
Marks, Buried at sea. Steward's coat and trousers; white shirt marked "F.W.I", keys marked "C Deck"; linen locker.
48 Male – Age, 35.
Hair, Light; and moustache.
Marks, Buried at sea. Steward's coat, vest and trousers; flannel shirt. Nothing to aid identification.
54 Female – Age, 40.
Hair, Brown.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore wedding ring and keeper. Had one gold upper tooth.
55 Female – Age, 30.
Hair, Brown.
Marks, Buried at sea. Had among effects, gold watch marked on back "C.K.S.," pinned on left breast. Opal and pearl rings, also garnet ring, engraved "H.N. to D.S" Wedding ring engraved "A.L. to C.S., April 21st, '09" (All rings left on fingers).
56 Male – Age, 40.
Hair, Dark; and moustache
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore half hunter gold watch No. 5,119 English make, and gold chain. False teeth, upper jaw.
57 Male – Age, 35.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore vest marked "H.L" Letter in pocket to "Dear Humph," from "Dick," possibly a steward.
60 Male – Age, 45.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore co.'s uniform; probably steward for rooms 82, etc.; no other marks to aid to identification.
63 Female – Age, 22.
Hair, Black.
Marks, Buried at sea. Had purse with miniature photo of young man and a photo locket. No other aid to identification.
65 Male – Age, 25.
Hair, Light.
Marks, Buried at sea. Tattoo on right forearm; three dots.
71 Male – Age, 45.
Hair, Medium; Clean shaven.
Marks, Buried at sea. Coat marked "Hospital Attendant"; trousers marked "M.O" key ring with address Mrs. Van Push, 732 E. 15th St., New York City.
73 Male – Age, 35.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Handkerchief marked "H.J"; silver watch; engineer's uniform. Nothing else to aid in identification.
74 Male – Age, 36.
Hair, Fair; moustache light
Marks, Buried at sea. Nothing to aid in identification.
76 Female – Age, 24.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Possibly Italian; name "Ethel" inside of watch; garnet ring on watch chain, originally two stones, one missing.
78 Male – Age, 45.
Hair, Slightly gray; moustache, red; eyebrows, red and long
Marks, Buried at Hebrew Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Tattoo marks on left arm, "E.G., anchor, clasped hands and heart and sailor;" on right arm, "anchor and woman"
84 Male – Age, 25.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore dungaree coat and trousers, and gray flannel shirt. Nothing to aid identification.
86 Male – Age, 23.
Hair, Light.
Marks, Buried at sea. Had keys marked "Engineers' Storekeeper" Nothing else to identify.
87 Male – Age, 30.
Hair, Light; and moustache.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore badge, "Riverside and Dock Workers' Union" No other aid to identification, possibly a fireman.
88 Male – Age, 50.
Hair, Dark; moustache, light.
Marks, Buried at sea. No aids to identification; probably a fireman.
92 Male – Age, 36.
Hair, Light Brown; Moustache, red, rather long.
Marks, Good set of coarse teeth Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. No aids to identification; probably a fireman.
94 Male – Age, 46.
Hair, Auburn also moustache.
Marks, Somewhat receeding chin; Hazel eyes; robust; bridge of nose somewhat sharp. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. No aids to identification; probably a fireman.
95 Male – Age, 20.
Hair, Fair.
Marks, Buried at sea. Tattooed right arm: woman, butterfly and anchor; left arm: butterfly, knight's head, and lady. Probably a fireman.
99 Male – Age, 29.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Tattooed-right arm: clasped hands and heart, American flag and lady; left arm: "Dieu et mon droit" No other aid to identification. Probably a fireman.
Male – Age, 34.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore uniform, vest and white jacket. No other aid to identification.
104 Male – Age, 38.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore gray suit, also plain ring, left on finger. Effects include gold engraved ring and memo book. No further aids to identification.
105 Male – Age, 30.
Hair, Dark; and moustache.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore blue serge suit and striped shirt marked "B.D" No other aids to identification.
106 Male – Age, 35.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Tattooed: Right arm, "Aggie"; left arm, crossed hands and heart. No other aids to identification. Possibly a sailor.
112 Male – Age, 45.
Hair, Fair.
Marks, Buried at sea. Steward's uniform and ship's badge No. 42 No other aids to identification.
113 Male – Age, 42.
Hair, Fair.
Marks, Buried at sea. Tattooed: Right arm, angel of love with thistle below; left arm, girl's head in centre of anchor, a ship, and flower with "Flo" in centre. No other aids to identification. Probably a fireman.
114 Male – Age, 40.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. No aid to identification. Possibly a fireman.
117 Male – Age, 40.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Effects included silver watch and chain, and purse of French gold. No marks to aid in identification.
118 Male – Age, 52.
Hair, Fair.
Marks, Buried at sea. No aids to identification. Possibly an oiler.
125 Male – Age, 17.
Hair, Brown.
Marks, Buried at sea. Steward's uniform, washing mark "G.V.N" Wore co.'s badge, No. 37.
128 Male – Age, 24.
Hair, Sandy; Clean shaven.
Marks, False teeth, upper Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Ship's uniform. Carried open-faie watch, made by Thomas Howard, 157 Kirkdale Road and 200 Rice Lane, Liverpool; stamped "German make" Had post card with picture of 4 little girls on reverse side. Also 1x2 instantaneous snapshot of boy or young man.
129 Male – Age, 25.
Hair, Brown; Clean shaven.
Marks, High forehead; good teeth; picture with "Cissie" underneath, tattooed on right arm. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Tattooed right arm: girls' bust; "Cissie" below. No other aids to identification.
132 Female – Age, 40.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. No other aids to identification. Probably third class passenger list.
134 Male – Age, 25.
Hair, Fair; Brown moustache.
Marks, Two prominent upper teeth Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Jacket marked "A" No other aids to identification. Possibly a steward.
136 Male – Age, 38.
Hair, Black; close cut black moustache.
Marks, fine set of teeth, slightly discolored Buried at Hebrew Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. No aids to identification. Possibly a fireman.
137 Male – Age, 50.
Hair, Dark brown; long reddish moustache.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Tattooed: Right arm, British and American flags. No other aids to identification. Possibly a fireman.
139 Male – Age, 30.
Hair, Light brown; clean shaven.
Marks, A gold tooth, 3rd from centre, on each side; scar on left small knuckle. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore boiler suit and jacket. No other aids to identification. Possibly an engineer.
141 Male – Age, 50.
Hair, Sandy, very thin on top of head; moustache very light.
Marks, Second and fourth upper teeth, left side, missing. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore white coat marked "A. May" Carried keys marked "Butcher" Effects include picture post card, addressed Mrs. Kempsey, 83 Antrim Place, Antrim Road, Belfast.
154 Male – Age, 32.
Hair, Brown; and moustache.
Marks, False upper teeth Buried at sea. Wore blue jacket, gray vest and black trousers. No other aids to identifcation.
157 Male – Age, 32.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore ship's uniform. Key, tagged linen locker No. I C Deck. Address found in effects: Miss McElroy, Layton, Spottisbury, Dorset.
160 Male – Age, 42.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore bracelet. No other aids to identification. Possibly a sailor.
162 Male – Age, 42.
Hair, Dark; moustache, light.
Marks, Buried at sea. No aids to identification. Possibly a fireman.
164 Male – Age, 34.
Hair, Dark; moustache, light.
Marks, Buried at sea. No aids to identification. Possibly a fireman.
170 Male – Age, 25.
Hair, Light.
Marks, Buried at sea. Carried key No. 73, marked "Carpenter's Locker" Silver watch and chain; memo book. No other aids to identification. Possibly carpenter's mate.
178 Male – Age, 25.
Hair, Brown, moustache, light.
Marks, Buried at sea. Tattooed, right arm: "anchor and rose," wife's name "Madge" Six pawn tickets in possession, and following addresses: Henry Murray, Sailor's Home, Southampton, and 45 Fir Grove Road, Southampton; Sidney Sedunary, 47 Fir Grove Road and 98 N'land Road, S
179 Male – Age, 26.
Hair, Very light; small light moustache.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. No aids to identification. Possibly a fireman.
180 Male – Age, 40.
Hair, Dark.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore steward's white coat; black coat and dungaree trousers. No other aids to identification.
182 Male – Age, 45.
Hair, Dark; and moustache.
Marks, Buried at sea. No aids to identification. Possibly a fireman.
185 Male – Age, 25.
Hair, Fair.
Marks, Scar on right and lower jaw Buried at sea. Wore blue coat with brass buttons; trousers; steward's white coat; green singlet; green jersey with white bands. Probably second class steward.
193 Male – Age, 28.
Hair, Light curly, clean shaven.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore light rain coat; uniform jacket with green facing and vest; purple muffler; carried cigarette case; silver watch; knife with carved pearl handle, and brass button marked "African Royal Mail"; also English lever watch.
194 Male – Age, 35.
Hair, Light.
Marks, Buried at sea. Gray overcoat Artex singlet; nightshirt; dress, trousers. Wore gold ring marked "H.B" or "B.H"
198 Male – Age, 37.
Hair, Brown; moustache, sandy.
Marks, Nail on index finger left hand broken. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. No aids to identification. Possibly a fireman.
Male – Age, 45.
Hair, Brown; also brown moustache.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore blue serge suit, union cable belt and striped flannel shirt. Tattooed right arm: snake around cocoanut palm, hand with bouquet of roses; left arm, woman's bust over wreath and dagger. Probably a fireman.
210 Female – Age, 32.
Hair, Brown.
Marks, False upper teeth Buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore long green overcoat; purple jacket; skirt; no corsets; brown shoes; black stockings.
212 Male – Age, 40.
Hair, Dark; moustache, very thin.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Steward's uniform; first saloon steward's badge, No. 73.
213 Male – Age, 30.
Hair, Light; clean shaven.
Marks, Freckles on face and forearms. Two prominent upper front teeth. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore mixture suit; green shirt; no coat. Effects include keys, pocket scissors, knife and about $45.00 money in American and Canadian bills.
214 Male – Age, 26.
Hair, Brown; light eyebrows; clean shaven.
Marks, Buried at Hebrew Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore steward's badge No. 41. Nothing else to aid in identification.
216 Male – Age, 35.
Hair, Red; moustache, thin.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore steward's uniform; truss, and black boots. Nothing to aid in identification.


Non identificato:  tomba numero 220.


220 Male – Age, 35
Hair, Light; clean shaven. Marks, Large scroll, girls head and a heart tattooed on right arm"bird and plant" with "jamaica" under, and "rose" tattooed on left arm. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore black coat; flannel singlet and dungaree trousers.



223 Male – Age, 20.
Hair, Brown.
Marks, Eye teeth extra long. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore steward's uniform. Nothing to aid in identification.
228 Male – Age, 45.
Hair, Black; moustache, grayish.
Marks, Cross and anchor on left arm; Girl, J.O.A., Cluster of roses and scroll on right arm. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore dungaree coat and trousers; grey shirt and drawers; body belt. No other aids to identification.
229 Male – Age, 26.
Hair, Brown; light brown eyebrows.
Marks, Upper teeth widely separated; high protruding forehead; clean shaven. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Nothing to aid in identification.
233 Male – Age, 25.
Hair, Black; eyebrows, black (look like Japanese).
Marks, Low forehead; prominent eyebrows; very large head Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. No aids to identification.
237 Male – Age, 20.
Hair, Sandy; clean shaven.
Marks, Shoulders very square Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore dark gray suit; letters "F.H" on shirt. Effects included openface nickel watch and silver chain with match box attached; tortoise-shell tobacco pouch; two little pictures-one of town hall, Portsmouth, and one of Portsmouth coat of arms.
240 Male – Age, 24.
Hair, Auburn.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore gray overcoat; blue serge suit and white sweater. Efects included nickel or silver box purse for coins; silver maltese cross of coronation of Edward VII, 1902, attached to watch chain; silver watch with three photos (enclosed in back thereof), of tw
243 Male – Age, 24.
Hair, Dark brown; clean shaven.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore black cloth overcoat; steward's vest and trousers marked "Stone" Effects included gold double-headed snake ring; ship's keys marked second staterooms E 99-107. Tattooed on left arm: Chinese dragon; on right arm: American flag and clasped hands.
248 Male – Age, 35.
Hair, Very black, brushed back from forehead; moustache, brown.
Marks, No upper teeth Buried at Hebrew Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore dungaree trousers and gray striped jacket. Nothing to aid in identification. Probably member of cook's department.
254 Male – Age, 45.
Hair, Sandy; moustache sand.
Marks, Two sailors holding english flag tattooed on right arm, girls bust. With english flag under, under which is girl on left arm. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Tattooed on left arm: Woman's bust and Union Jack; also woman in kilts, and on right arm: Man's head (cowboy); clasped hands and heart (true love), and flower. Nothing else to aid identification. Probably a sailor.
257 Male – Age, 38.
Hair, Dark brown; eyebrows, light; clean shaven.
Marks, Very large forehead Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore boiler suit; uniform jacket (double-breasted); green striped flannel shirt. Nothing found to aid identification. Possibly an engineer.
262 Male – Age, 21.
Hair, Very light; no moustache.
Marks, Prominent nose; receeding chin. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore steward's coat, vest trousers, green overcoat, with tag "Miller & Son, Southampton"; shirt marked "A. Franklin" Effects included nickel watch stamped "Joe Meyer's Special" on face. Bunch of keys, including key of stateroom 38; wire spring belt wit
264 Male – Age, 30.
Hair, Dark; no moustache.
Marks, Buried at Hebrew Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore steward's white coat; blue coat and trousers; uniform vest; blue jersey; black boots; drawers were marked "H. Lyon" Effects included brass watch stamped on face "Evening Times"; gold-rimmed spectacles, and tickets for "second stateroom D 51 to D 89.



265 Male – Age, 28.
Hair, Dark; moustache, light.
Marks, One lower tooth missing. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore steward's uniform. Effects included silver watch; keys marked Nos. 7 and 9. Nothing further to aid identification. Probably a steward.
274 Male – Age, 45.
Hair, Light brown, tinged with gray; moustache, light.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore blue suit; pajamas and drawers marked "L. B" Effects included key with tag marked second staterooms "F1 to F14" No further aid to identification. Possibly a steward.
278 Male – Age, 21.
Hair, Sandy.
Marks, Two large prominent front teeth Buried at Hebrew Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore dungaree coat and trousers; gray flannel drawers. No aids to identification. Possibly a fireman.
279 Male – Age, 45.
Hair, Sandy; moustache, sandy.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore blue serge suit; white shirt; underclothes marked "B. C" Tattooed on right arm, a monument (a cross in memory to my dear mother), and on left arm "B. C" Clothing made by Wolf Bros., 50 East Street, Southampton). Possibly a steward.
281 Female – Age, 35.
Hair, Light Brown
Marks, Large wart on index finger of left hand. Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore black coat; blue shirt; red jersey; green blouse; wollen singlet; gray underskirt; black boots and stockings. No other aids of identification.
288 Male – Age, 50.
Hair, Black, slightly gray; moustache the same; hair very thin in front.
Marks, Buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore two gold rings, one a chain ring; white shirt with fancy front. Carried gun-metal watch. No other aids to identification. Probably a Greek.
289 Male – Age, 24.
Hair, Black
Marks, Large front upper teeth Buried at Hebrew Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore steward's uniform, and gold ring with green stone; ship's key, No. 37. Tattooed: left arm, anchor, cross and heart (all in one).
291 Male – Age, 33.
Hair, Sandy; thin sandy moustache.
Marks, Only four upper teeth Buried at Hebrew Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore two pairs pants; pajamas; blue suit; dark overcoat; uniform buttons on vest; blue striped woolen vest; wrist watch. No other aids to identification.



296 Male – Age, 25.
Hair, Sandy; short sandy moustache.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Tattooed: Right arm, ship on back of hand; girl and snake on arm, left arm, girl's bust. No other aids to identification. Possibly a fireman.
303 Male – Age, 25.
Hair, Sandy, Clean shaven.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Tattooed: Right arm, clasped hands across heart, girl's bust with wreath beneath. Left arm, life belt with "Good Hope" ship in centre.
308 Male – Age, 50.
Hair, Dark, partly bald; sandy moustache.
Marks, Buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Handkerchief marked "A.H.F" No other aids to identification.
310 Male – Age,
Marks, Buried at sea. No aids to identification. Probably a fireman.
318 Male – Age,
Hair, Brown and smooth
Marks, Smooth face Buried at sea. Wore brass watch and chain. No other aids to identification. Probably a fireman.
326 Male – Age, 50.
Hair, Light, partly bald.
Marks, Buried at sea. Wore steward's white coat; light check overalls; coatmaker's mark"Baker & Company, Southampton" No further aids to identification. Possibly a steward.
328 Female – Age, 14.
Hair, Golden brown.
Marks, Very dark skin, refined features Buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Halifax, N.S. Wore lace trimmed red and black overdress; black underdress; green striped underskirt; black woolen shawl and black slippers. No further aids to identification. Probably a third class passenger.

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